- Bikes conquer the road. Bicycles, because they are among the most environmentally friendly transport and in addition serve as a fitness machine. Dann gibt es noch Mountain-Bikes, BMX- und Rennräder variation in allen. Not to forget: The piece of freedom - the motorcycle, equipped with plenty of horsepower and Electronics. If that's too big is, injected with moped or moped to the target or to Two-wheeled mechatronics.
Protective bodies have not all these vehicles. Therefore, they must be carefully checked during maintenance service on road safety. There are also repairs such as z. B. Framework to measure and align. Or a motorcycle is trimmed to Easy Rider-style and gets a long fork, andere Räder etc.
The Two-wheeled mechatronics must be quite something outside the box when it comes to electronics and current vehicle technology with all the trimmings hydraulic. Add to this the wide range of metalworking. And - very important: environmentally friendly operation. Friendliness is also the motto of many counseling sessions with clients. Which is quite decent going on in this profession. Education is possible in two disciplines: (1) Motorradtechnik, (2) Bicycle technology.
Activities Motorradtechnik (1)
- Organize and plan work flow, Provision of study materials
- Inspection and maintenance of the vehicle and of individual modules, Disassemble defective parts and systems, exchange, instandsetzen
- Setting Storage, Brake- and clutch play, Chain tension,& Nbsp; gearshift,,de,Consultation with customers for necessary & nbsp; follow-up repairs,,de,& nbsp; perform functional checks,,de,Drive the vehicle or operate the unit as a sample,,de,3 ½ years,,de,Training Regulation & nbsp; Zweiradmechaniker,,de,Ordinance on Vocational Training for Two-wheeled Mechatronics Technician from & nbsp; vom,,de,on & nbsp; bicycle mechanics,,de,& nbsp; Care and Repair,,de,Training Compensation & nbsp;,,de,Ausbildungsjahr 412.,,en,Ausbildungsjahr 428.,,en,Ausbildungsjahr 480.,,en,Ausbildungsjahr 512.,,en,Finally, in the third and fourth year of training, there is a specialization in "bicycle technology" or "motorcycle technology",,de, Ignition timing, Idle speed, Emission values
- Advice to customers, Rücksprache mit Kunden bei notwendigen Folgereparaturen
Activities bicycle technology (2)
- Wait for the vehicles, Lacing and center wheels, Funktionskontrollen durchführen, Fahrzeug Probe fahren oder Gerät zur Probe betreiben
- Adjusting the chain tension, the gear shift
- Advice and sales of vehicles and accessories, Activities in the sale, Warehousing
- Advice to customers, Rücksprache mit Kunden bei notwendigen Folgereparaturen
The following sample sheets, Notes, Regulations to carry the record book – training Certificate.
Duration of training
3 ½ Jahre
Curriculum Framework
Operational framework curriculum
Education Curriculum Framework
- High school, Secondary school or high school
- craftsmanship, Enjoy dealing with customers
- Interest in modern technology
- Part 1 the journeyman's examination before the end of 2. Training year
- Trade test
Ausbildungsordnung Zweiradmechaniker
Regulation on vocational training for bicycle mechanic / in the 25. July 2008
Training regulations Zweiradmechaniker
Training Regulation bicycle mechatronics
Verordnung über die Berufsausbildung zum Zweiradmechatroniker/in vom 13.06.2014
What's new in the intermediate- and journeyman?
The evaluation of the intermediate examination with flows in the outcome of the final examination ("Stretched journeyman").
Participation in courses, Courses or seminars, from. B. über Zweiradmechanik, Automotive maintenance, -Pflege und -Reparatur, Automotive Engineering and Mechanics - General, Sheet metal processing and editing, Vehicle Restoration, Welding technology in the automotive sector and body, Hydraulics - General
after appropriate work experience training for bicycle mechanic master / in, Technician / specializing in automotive engineering or mechanical engineering, Business Administration of the craft
Minimum training allowance,,de,From the,,de,the minimum training allowance comes into force,,de,their training,,de,to start,,nl,In the first year of training, a statutory minimum remuneration in the amount of,,de,€ received. & Nbsp;,,de, Ausbildungsjahr 515.,,en,Training year & nbsp; 607.70 euros,,de,requirements,,de,& nbsp; year of training & nbsp; 515.00 euros,,de 2023
Ab den 1. Januar 2020 the statutory minimum training allowance applies,,de, Ausbildungsjahr 550.,,en,Year of training & nbsp; & nbsp; 649.,,de,& nbsp; Year of training & nbsp; 550.00 euros,,de,Year of training & nbsp; 649.00 euros,,de.
Trainee, die ihre Ausbildung 2023 beginnen, sollen im ersten Ausbildungsjahr in der Regel eine gesetzliche Mindestvergütung in Höhe von 620,00 € erhalten.
1. Ausbildungsjahr 620,00 Euro
2. Ausbildungsjahr 732,00 Euro
3. Ausbildungsjahr 837,00 Euro
4. Ausbildungsjahr 868,00 Euro
The starting salary after training depends on the agreement with the employer.
What's new in the / two wheel mechatronics / -in?
The training is done separately, either in the field of bicycle or motorcycle engineering technology.
What is new - irrespective of the normal tasks - also the consulting and communicating with clients, the sale of goods and products, and the use of the Internet for repair information research.
Who can form the / two wheel mechatronics / -in?
All operations of the Zweiradmechaniker-Craft and the Two-Wheeled Vehicles, that have appropriate facilities of the relevant subject.
What is the educational structure of?
The education profession is assigned to the newly created profession "Automotive Engineering". After joint basic education of all vehicle technical occupations in the first year of training, in the second year of training for the future Two-wheeled mechatronics/-inside turn, joint training content determinative, secure the thorough professionalism. Schließlich wird im dritten und vierten Ausbildungsjahr in der Fachrichtung “Fahrradtechnik” oder der Fachrichtung “Motorradtechnik” ausgebildet. The following specialization here is reflected in the field of "Motorcycle Technology" in the in-depth study of the engine and its systems. In the field of "bicycle equipment" in the treatment of subjects sale, Presentation and customer service.