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HWK training contract:
Guidelines for Application of the journeyman / final examination
Guidelines for the journeyman exam registration
Bicycle mechanic / inside
Application form: Zur Abschlussprüfung Anmeldung_AP_GP
Application form: Zur Zwischenprüfung Anmeldung_ZP
Bicycle mechatronics / inside
Application form: Gestreckte Gesellenprüfung Part 1 Anmeldung_Teil 1 _AP_GP
Application form: Stretched trade test Part 2 Anmeldung_Teil 2_AP_GP
application – Verlängerung -Verkürzung der Ausbildungszeit
Antrag auf vorzeitige Zulassung zur Gesellenprüfung Teil II
AU defects statistics Jahresprüfnachweisblatt [PDF Document]
Admission to Gesellen-/Abschlussprüfung without vocational training (suction. External examination)
Students who have completed any vocational training, may still be admitted to the examination. Applicants must provide evidence in this case, that they have worked at least 1.5 times the regular training period in the relevant audit profession.
Training periods in another, relevant professional training are credited here. So one has a three-year employment for a two-year vocational training and present a three-year vocational training a 4.5-year-old occupation.
Under certain conditions, may be waived by the minimum period of employment wholly or partly.
Foreign qualifications and periods of employment abroad must be considered when examining the admission requirements.
- Antrag auf Zulassung zur Gesellen-/Abschlussprüfung ohne Berufsausbildung
- Anmeldung_AP_GP_extern
- Antrag auf Zulassung zur Gesellen-/Abschlussprüfung aufgrund schulischer oder sonstiger Bildungsgänge
- Anmeldung_AP_GP_schulisch