About Us
The Zweiradmechaniker–Guild Berlin is for all interested bicycle mechanic / -Innen in Berlin Brandenburg and a resource and partner in all aspects from the- and training, Instructions and questions relating to the profession.
The Board: Detlef Falk, Thomas Kube and Sven-Olaf Schrutek,,de,Currently has the Guild,,de,Zweiradmechaniker focus,,de,& Nbsp; & nbsp; 3 Zweiradmechaniker focus,,de,& Nbsp; & nbsp; 6 two-wheeled Mechatroniker focus,,de,there is the new job description of a two-wheeler in the fields of mechatronics motorcycle and bicycle equipment,,de,½ year training for two-wheel mechatronics discipline be trained bicycle equipment,,de,where Inter-company apprentice and journeymen instructions,,de,Please change your documents and electronic communications,,de
Currently & nbsp; has the guild,,de,Of these, & nbsp; 31 are motorcycle,,de,and guest members & nbsp; and pure training companies,,de,The training period is 3 & 1/2 years,,de,½ years of training to become a two-wheeled mechatronics specialist in bicycle technology,,de,are our & nbsp; training rooms,,de,We wish all readers of our website a successful two-wheeler season,,de,If & nbsp; & Crafts,,de 55 Members. Davon sind 31 Motorrad- and 16 Bicycle Companies. In the other 8 Members are single- und Gastmitglieder sowie reine Ausbildungsbetriebe.
In education there are currently 58 Trainee:
38 Two-wheeled mechatronics focus “Motorradtechnik”
10 Two-wheeled mechatronics focus “Bicycle technology” and
10 Fahrradmonteure
The training is for Zweiradmechaniker 3 ½ years, which to bike fitter 2 Years.
Since the 01.08.2014 gibt es das neue Berufsbild des Zweiradmechatronikers in den Fachrichtungen Motorrad und Fahrradtechnik. Die Ausbildungszeit beträgt 3 1/2 Jahre.
After successful trade test the bike mechanic in a can 1 ½ jährigen Ausbildung zum Zweiradmechatroniker Fachrichtung Fahrradtechnik ausbilden lassen.
The job of a bicycle mechanic craft is from the mechanic (Sewing machines and Zweiradmechaniker) created, the reason is the many motorcycle manufacturers, which have arisen from former sewing machine factory.
Since 1989 is the Zweiradmechaniker an independent craft.
In Bernau, in BIZWA the Berlin Chamber of Trade, befinden sich unsere Schulungsräume, wo Überbetriebliche Lehrlingsunterweisungen und Gesellen- take place and master exams.
Wir wünschen allen Lesern unserer Internetseite eine erfolgreiche Zweiradsaison.
Please visit our guild enterprises in your area.
Wenn Handwerk, then a guild company.